What do you do when one of your friends freezer dies and she asks you if you'd like to take some bones off of her hands? You do a happy dance and make bone broth! In case your a newbie to broth and stock in general, I'll give you a quick run down. Broth Typically cooked with meat in it. Cooked for much less time than time than it's cousins stock and bone broth. Great in a pinch when you have a hankering for some homemade soup, but have no broth in a tetra pack conveniently stashed in the pantry. Cook time is only 1 to 2 hours. Stock This is what your making when throw those leftover chicken carcasses you've been saving in the freezer, into a pot. The cook time on stock is 4-8 hours, If you throw this on in the morning, you'll have some delicious flavorful stock to make dinner with. Bone Broth Bone broth is a whole different thing from regular broth, in fact I wonder why it's not ca...
Source What's so great about coffee soap you wonder? Well good news, I'm about to tell you, because I know that's the question you've been pining away at since your existence. My coffee soap is one of my FAVORITES!!!!!!!!!!! And it's not my favorite just because I made it either. There are no fancy fragrances or essential oils here, and that's part of it's wonderful charm, even though I love me some fragrant soap. But I know there are people out there who can't tolerate fragrance, natural, or otherwise. Here's a run down on the ingredients in the coffee soap, and after we'll talk about the ingredients that make this soap so fabulous.